Dick Williams  American Innovations

Resident of Truk from 1969-1983

When the Americans first came, they brought innovations. The Trukese could not figgure out why the Americans were so big. Then they noticed they were always chewing, so thot it be because they were always eating, but they couldn't see any food. It was like they never swallowed nor took a bite of any visible food. It was chewing gum.

Upon being introduced to ice cream, first responses were invariably, oh that's hot. They had never tasted anything cold like that, and when u think about it, cold does feel hot at first.

Here's the one I liked best and which triggered me just now. Needing a piece of equipment which he doesn't not know the name of, a local blinked his eyes repeatedly while pushing in and out on his belly buttom. What was he asking for? You guessed it - a flashlight!

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